We are proud to be a part of driving the fundamental economy. By employing people in the local community. Encourage fabric dyeing and weaving in the traditional way. It is dyeing using locally available materials such as coconut, red onion peel, teak leaves, and turmeric that can be found in locally and water left over from dyeing can be dropped into the ground without leaving any residue It is safe to dump it into the sewer and does not affect the ecosystem.
Waterhyacinth indigo yarns dye (in picture)
More over, the artisan weaver use their free time from weaving to household farming for their consumption, and selling to make another income. In growing vegetables, they will grow by using organic methods. That is no pesticides or none chemicals.
please waiting for next collection we creating home decorative by blend Northern hand weave style with the design created from a group of fantastic designers.
#designer #NorthernStyle #HomeDecor #Artisan #NorthArtisan #ThaiArtisan #Handweave #WaterHyacinthYarns #WaterHyacinthFiber #NaturalYarn #NaturalYarnDye #MunieEcoLifestyle #SME #ผักตบชวา